rootme - CISCO - password

2021. 5. 10. 15:59WarGame/Rootme

이번 문제는 약간의 게싱성이 포함된 문제였습니다 :(

! Last configuration change at 13:41:43 CET Mon Jul 8 2013 by admin
! NVRAM config last updated at 11:15:05 CET Thu Jun 13 2013 by admin
version 12.2
no service pad
service password-encryption
isdn switch-type basic-5ess
hostname rmt-paris
security passwords min-length 8
no logging console
enable secret 5 $1$p8Y6$MCdRLBzuGlfOs9S.hXOp0.
username hub password 7 025017705B3907344E 
username admin privilege 15 password 7 10181A325528130F010D24
username guest password 7 124F163C42340B112F3830
ip ssh authentication-retries 5
ip ssh version 2
interface BRI0/0
 ip address
 no ip directed-broadcast
 encapsulation ppp
 dialer map ip name hub broadcast 5772222
 dialer-group 1
 isdn switch-type basic-5ess
 ppp authentication chap callin
 no shutdown
interface GigabitEthernet1/15
 ip address
 no shutdown
router bgp 100
 no synchronization
 bgp log-neighbor-changes
 bgp dampening
 network mask
 timers bgp 3 9
 redistribute connected
ip classless
ip route
access-list 101 permit ip any any
dialer-list 1 protocol ip list 101
no ip http server
no ip http secure-server
line con 0
 password 7 144101205C3B29242A3B3C3927
 session-timeout 600
line vty 0 4
 session-timeout 600
 authorization exec SSH
 transport input ssh


처음 접속하면 위와 같은 시스코 하드웨어의 정보들을 확인할 수 있습니다.


보면 암호회된 암호문들이 몇개 보입니다.


1. 025017705B3907344E

2. 10181A325528130F010D24

3. 124F163C42340B112F3830


이를 아래 사이트에서 복호화 시도해보면




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